
Book Talk Tuesday: Smart Women Know When to Say No


Smart Women Know When to Say No by Dr. Kevin Leman was a free or low cost Kindle book a few months ago. I’ve read several other of Dr. Leman’s books and I appreciate his commonsense and faith-based approach to life issues. So I downloaded it and recently finished it.

Product Details

When I started the book, I was feeling frazzled and overworked and stressed and I wanted help to learn how to pare down my life and my schedule. I constantly feel like I pour too much attention and time into things that aren’t going to have any lasting value. I know dishes and laundry have to be done but do I neglect those in order to have coffee with a friend for mutual edification. And how many friends do I spend regular time with for fellowship and encouragement? Is there a magic number for how many is enough but not too many?

This book is for women who have super controlling husbands or other highly dysfunctional relationships and need help learning how to assert themselves.

That doesn’t quite describe what I needed. I think it would be great for its intended audience.

I, on the other hand, still need help discerning the good choices from the best.


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