
Book Talk Tuesday: Lover’s Leap

I’m sooooo close to finishing this book. So close. I will go ahead and review it because I’m confident that I’ll recommend it.

 Lover’s Leap was recommended to my by my local writing teacher/mentor. She read it because a family member recommended it and because Susan Wiggs, one of her most favorite writers, had an endorsement on the cover. She passed it on to me.

I enjoyed it. More than I expected to. That sounds like faint praise but I liked it. I’d pick up another in the Eternity Springs series.

Sarah Reese and her daughter Lori take a trip to Australia and instead of scuba diving and snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef, they turn around and run for home when they accidentally run into Lori’s father. Cameron Murphy, the town bad boy who ran away when Sarah got pregnant.

I had some concerns about that plot. I could see that there would be misunderstanding about why Cameron left town so abruptly (I was right). There would be family interference to keep the young lovers apart and it would probably have to do with undelivered mail or phone messages (also right). I expected to sigh with frustration, knowing that if Sarah and Cam would just sit and talk it out, everything would be solved. But the laugh was on me.

They did talk. They did resolve a lot of their past issues. I like that Ms. March had them deal with their problems like grownups, not cardboard archetypes of the romance hero and heroine.

There is some sensuality in the book, but nothing graphic. If you like clean romance with fun, I recommend picking up an Eternity Springs book. Lover’s Leap is number four in the series. I don’t know if they have to be read in sequence. I felt a bit out of the loop with a few of the secondary characters, but nothing insurmountable.

Eternity Springs is a small town in the Colorado Rockies with a special blessing of helping its residents find true and lasting happiness. There are “coincidences” and characters that could be angelic and heavenly in nature.

As I said above, I’m not quite finished, but I’m sure March will give me the happily ever after I like.

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