
Book Talk Tuesday: In Harm’s Way

When a friend first recommended Irene Hannon, she said In Harm’s Way was the best one she’d read. I chose to start with the first in the Heroes of Quantico series. This is the better book, but I’m not sorry I started with Book One. I skipped Book Two even though I’m sure it’s excellent also. I just have a limit to how much time and money I can spend reading. In Harms WayFrom what I can tell, the books are loosely related (crossover characters) but do not need to be read in order. Come on, they’re romances. As I read book one, I knew which character would be the protagonist of book two. Book three featured him and his wife in supporting roles. Because this is romantic suspense, you can be sure the hero and heroine are going to end up together, so skipping book two didn’t “ruin” anything for me. If book two crosses my path, I’ll read it. Anyhoo…


  I did buy Hannon’s newest book, Vanished, and it’s in my To Be Read Stack (affectionately known as Mt. TBR).

But about In Harm’s Way …

Rachel Sutton finds a dingy doll in a restaurant parking lot, covered in snow and ice. She digs it out because she imagines the child who lost the doll is inconsolable. But when she plucks it from the ice, terror races down her spine. She knows it sounds crazy to say she’s getting “vibes” from a doll but the feelings are so strong she’s compelled to take the doll to the local FBI office.

Special Agent Nick Bradley would like to write off Rachel’s story as being from a kook. But he witnesses her physical reaction and sees that she’s rational and uneasy herself about being labeled either a psychic or a nut.

Neither Rachel nor Nick foresee how that doll will figure into their lives and how it relates to an abducted infant hundreds of miles away.

I enjoyed this one a lot. The writing is great. I was concerned about the “psychic” element but Hannon offers a perfectly reasonable explanation and the incidents continue throughout the story. Well done! I may have to move Vanished to the top of the stack.

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