
Woe! It’s Wednesday: Important or Urgent

I too often give into the tyranny of the urgent.

A dear and longtime friend has been on my heart and mind for the last week. I know that means I need to call or write to her.

pocketwatch0837.jpg (595296 bytes)  freeimages.co.uk

I keep putting it off. Why? Because her anniversary was back in November and I didn’t call or write or text or send a card.

What’s really embarrassing is that I remembered it was her anniversary on the day. I could have done any of the above, even sent a quick text. But I didn’t. And I can’t remember even one other thing I did that day that was so important I couldn’t take the time to send a lousy text message.

I’m cleaning up my e-mail inbox today and I found our last “catching up” note. It’s from last June.

So enough blogging today from me. I have a long email to write and a phone call to make.

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