
Book Talk Tuesday


I’m in the middle of reading several books, both for review and friends’ recommendations, so I don’t have anything new to rave about.

Instead, I think I’ll revisit a young adult favorite.


Apples Every Day  Apples Every Day by Grace Richardson.


I checked this one out of the library so often, the librarians would just call me if they got a request for it.

Well … not quite, but it could’ve happened.

It’s a coming of age story about an unconventional boarding school in Canada and a “new girl” who feels like a misfit. She ends up thriving at the school, growing into herself and recognizing her talents.

I haven’t read it in probably 35 years but I still remember the characters and their emotions and the story. I wouldn’t hesitate to give it to a teen today. There’s no cell phones and no texting, but Harry Potter doesn’t text either and lots of kids enjoy reading about his boarding school days.

There’s heartfelt emotion but nothing inappropriate for a young adult.

Anyone else read this one?

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